Summer Photography Camp

Summer Photography Camp

This Summer Photography Camp for teens is a fun, hands-on experience that develops both practical and artistic skills.
with Laurie Reemsnyder

As one of our summer programs for teens, this photography camp teaches photography for beginners and intermediate-level students. The class is designed to introduce students to the fundamental operations and vocabulary of digital photography. Students will learn DSLR basics and more advanced settings while developing a critical eye for making creative images.

We will take guided photo walks, discuss light and composition, and stage photo shoots — both in the studio and outside in natural light. Students will become comfortable with how to use a camera as they learn photography skills and tips, as well as how to process their photos in Lightroom. Kids love our variety of summer art classes, and this is sure to be the best art summer camp yet!

During this exciting summer photography camp, students will need a DSLR or mirrorless camera capable of manual control settings. Sorry, no point-and-shoot cameras or iPhones!

We will cover the following:

  • Learn how to use a camera in manual mode (a strong foundation of technical skills)
  • Creatively use composition principles to strengthen images
  • Enhance your way of seeing through the camera to develop a photographic vision
  • Develop awareness of quality of light, both natural and flash
  • Engage in the art of editing and enhance your images with post-production basics



Class Schedule

Monday, July 11, 1–4PM: Intro: DSLR basics & becoming familiar with your camera, photo walk, photo walk to practice shooting
Tuesday, July 12, 1–4PM: Lightroom review and presentation on effective workflow/storage options/backing up work. Second photo walk/shoot focusing on composition and the art of photography.
Wednesday, July 13, 1–4PM: Editing in Lightroom; in-studio photoshoot working with both natural and artificial light. Photo walk with a primary focus on light.
Thursday, July 14, 1–4PM: Photo walk concentrating on combining composition and selective focus. Selecting an image for printing and editing in Lightroom.
Friday, July 15, 1–4PM: Painting with light in the studio. Critique/review of student work.

Note: Students will either need to be picked up or dropped off in 2 locations that would be too far to walk both ways (Marin Art and Garden Center and Fairfax; TBD which days)

*Per Public Health Orders in effect for Marin County, masks are strongly recommended, but not required.
People may choose to mask at any time.
We support those who wish to continue to mask indoors, including those who are immunocompromised or otherwise concerned.


Workshop presented by The Image Flow Photography Center, providing photography classes, custom printing services, and fine art reproductions.


Instructor Bio

Laurie Reemsnyder

Laurie Reemsnyder graduated with an Art Ed degree from Rhode Island School of Design and has been teaching Photography (and Ceramics) since 1999. During the school year, she’s at Marin Catholic High School teaching a broad curriculum incorporating darkroom and digital photography, and including a variety of alternative processes. She has also taught the youth program at Tam and Drake during the summer. Recognizing that art is transformative and connects us all as humans, she has done photo projects implemented during summers (pre-pandemic) on her service trips to Cambodia, Costa Rica, Fiji, Thailand, Croatia/Bosnia, and Peru. Her passion is in giving young people a voice and having them use it to help others, incorporating service and art.

Monday – Friday
July 11 – 15, 2022


Sold Out


  • Digital camera with manual controls (DSLR or mirrorless)
  • A laptop with Adobe Lightroom Classic installed

Subscribe Now — Adobe Creative Cloud or Photography Plan (1TB)

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Who Should Take This Workshop

Teens ages 13–16, beginner and intermediate teen photographers

Pertinent Details

  • Maximum nine (9) students
  • Ages 13–16, or by instructor permission
  • ​​Photo walks – Students need to be able to walk 0.5–1 hour
  • Introduction to Lightroom Classic for archiving and editing
  • Instruction on manual operation of camera
  • Pickup or dropoff in 2 locations required
  • Masks are optional but recommended

Workshop Fee Includes

  • One, 11×17 print on Epson Premium Luster paper


The Image Flow Photography Center
328 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, CA
Located in Marin County CA, just north of San Francisco.

Additional Locations

  • Walking Outings to or from Marin Art and Garden Center and Fairfax
  • San Anselmo town exploration, Robson-Harrington Park

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