West Peak: The Project by Gary Yost
Photographer and filmmaker Gary Yost writes about his project to document the history of the lost West Peak of Mt. Tamalpais.
I am a Mill Valley-based photographer and filmmaker who likes to tell stories, big and small. Over the years I’ve been fortunate to be a part of some very interesting local community activities.
One of my 2012 projects was to document what a day in the life of a fire lookout on the East Peak of Mt. Tamalpais is like. I created it primarily as a recruitment piece for the Marin County Fire Department, but it saw much wider distribution as a testimony to the beauty of our mountain. There are a number of reasons for its popularity but I think the two biggest are that it shows an aspect of the mountain that nobody has seen before and it uses time-lapse techniques to illustrate how time passes in a way that we can’t see with our naked eyes.
Activists Awards and a Brief History of Photojournalism
The live judging of PhotoPhilanthopy’s Activists Awards (at The Image Flow January 26) has turned our attention to the history of photojournalism. PhotoPhilanthropy’s Activists Awards PhotoPhilanthropy, now CatchLight, is a Private Family Foundation whose mission is to “…address critical social and environmental issues by providing nonprofits and photographers with the resources to work together to […]