Protect your photos from the ravages of time, and preserve & archive your family’s past and present.
Reasons to Digitize
The only objects in your home that are irreplaceable are artwork and your family photos, videos, and other documents. If you are determined to protect your photographs from the ravages of time, there is (in my opinion) only one way to do this. Digitize slides, negatives, prints, and any paper documents that have meaning to you as soon as possible. You’ll have peace of mind having a digital copy, and the added benefit of simplifying physical storage since hard drives are much smaller and can hold thousands of images.Heat & Humidity
Disaster for your photographs can start the minute you put your negatives or color slide films in a cardboard box. If you store them in your attic where the temperature climbs or keep them in your basement where there can be dampness, trouble is sure to follow. Even cardboard and many other papers contain acid that can be detrimental to documents and photographs. To avoid this, all your prints, negatives, and positive pieces of film should be kept in archival containers and stored at a stable temperature.
Sun Damage & Color Shifts
One should also be careful not to expose your valuable documents and photography to direct or bright sunlight. The UV rays are destructive and can cause fading unless framed under museum-quality glass to protect your images. There is one more issue that can arise with color slides and transparencies, caused by time itself. The dyes in transparencies can fade or shift color, making it imperative to digitize old photos as soon as possible. Color shifts can often be corrected digitally if caught early, but don’t wait too long! It doesn’t only take a fire or a flood to wreak havoc on your family memories.

Scanning Old Photos at Home
While the financial investment is fairly low, the time investment to scan your old photos at home can be extremely high. Additionally, having outdated digital scanners can yield low or poor-quality results.
Call in A Professional
Who doesn’t want more free time? Leave the grunt work to the professionals and enjoy the speed and convenience of having The Image Flow convert your negatives and slides to digital images. We make digitizing your traditional photography collection simple and easy.
Trusted Local Business
There are many services online that are capable of scanning a 35mm slide, but you probably don’t want to send your prized possessions through the mail to God-only-knows-where. India is a likely destination for some companies that provide these cheap quality digital copies. The Image Flow can digitize any and all of your original photographs, documents, and artwork using our Camera Scan process, with the added bonus being that your originals never leave Mill Valley.

High Quality Scans
We produce a digital RAW file with 36 megapixels of resolution using our Nikon D810 DSLR scan setup. Each of your slides, negatives, or documents will be individually photographed. With this file, we have the capability to deliver you a beautiful copy of your original. With the RAW file, there is more flexibility to make adjustments to the exposure and color. The considerable size of the file will allow us to make a print as large as 40 inches on the long edge. This service is unique, and something that our online competitors simply do not offer.
Professional Retouching Available
In order to provide our clients with the best representation of their images, we include basic exposure and color adjustments as we are processing the digital file, but do not crop or retouch dust or scratches from your files by default. However, our Retouching Service is certainly available to our customers after a consultation about their exact needs.

Client – McCall Family

Preserve Your Family History
As we move further into the new year, take the time to assess your family’s history; there is never a better time to archive it than now. In the end, you will receive high quality digital files and that can very easily be shared online to liberate your treasured memories and share with friends and family.